Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro®

The investment universe of Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® includes 175 of the largest sustainable stocks of the emerging markets. Sustainablity and sector representativeness is ensured by a best-in-GICS-sector approach based on sustainability rankings of Inrate. In a first step, equal weights are applied to all positions (Iso). In a second step, the weights are optimized towards the minimum-variance portfolio (Pro). The strategy follows a quantitative approach. The characteristics of the Finreon Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® strategy ensure a broad diversification. Concentration risks are explicitly avoided. The return and risk can therefore deviate from the Equity Emerging Markets NR (the "benchmark"). The total risk born by the investor is similar to an unhedged sustainable emerging markets equity investment in foreign currency.


Fund facts

Fund name Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro®
Fund umbrella Finreon Umbrella Fund
Domicile Switzerland
Structure Fund according to Swiss Law, FINMA-regulated
Currency USD
Liquidity Daily
Inception 15.01.2013
Distribution policy Accumulating
Investment advisor Finreon Ltd.
Asset manager Credit Suisse Ltd.
Fund management UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) Ltd.
Custody bank UBS Ltd.
Remarks No sec lending/ no leverage/ no short-selling


Strategie name Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro®
Benchmark Equity Emerging Markets NR
Asset classe Equity
Region Emerging Markets
Number of stocks <= 175
Klassen ISIN Währung Min. Investment (CHF) Management Fee
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - A CH0200879374 USD - 1.25%
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - C CH0552963404 USD 0.5 mio. 0.85%
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - I0 CH0596084357 USD - 0.85%
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - I1 CH0200884168 USD 5 mio. 0.55%
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - I2 CH0343985195 USD 10 mio. 0.45%
Finreon Emerging Markets Equity IsoPro® - D CH0200881537 USD discr. mandate agreement & 25 mio. to be agreed individually